The other night there were a couple dressed in their finest swankery (tuxedo for the gent, slinky red dress for the lady) riding on the bus when I went into the city. And the thing that strikes me is that, if you're gonna tart yourself up like that, you really should keep a twenty aside to pay for a taxi. Apart from the fact that the dress didn't really provide anywhere to stash a ten trip bus pass, it's just not a very classy mode of transport. Admittedly I do kinda like the image of several stretch limos pulling up outside an bright and spangly charity gala, followed by the 486 to Chatswood. And a bewildered granny with her shopping getting out.
And if you're too cheap to spring for taxi fare, it's not looking promising for the end of the night either. Especially since the buses stop at midnight. I don't see a dude that can't afford taxi fare springing for a penthouse suite in one of the city's finest hotels. Possibly a quick root in a dodgy alleyway behind one of the city's finest hotels. Romance ain't dead, but someone certainly appears to have beaten the crap out of it.
To be fair Gareth, we expected better from you. I mean November 2006, our blog wasnt even born then but has flourished since. Not that its a competition, but ours is cooler.
Please tell us stories. It is raining in Brazil and we are bored, so require stories. To be fair, it might be another few months before we check your blog, but you never know when its gonna rain again, so you should do a post for a rainy day (fyi, a post is what us bloggers call an entry).
Thanks in advance
From two very overtired and quite silly travellers who are sick to death of snorers and dorms so are cruising everyones blog sites, except ours, which we are supposed to be updating now but arent. thats our story. and we´re sticking with it.
lotsa love,
jacky and ainsley.
ps. does no comments = no friends? we have lots of comments, not that its a competition.
from, well you can probably guess who.
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